Chamomile is one of the most famous and most commonly used medicinal plants. Romashki tea is very popular, but this is not the only form in which it is found. What properties does chamomile have and how can it be used in folk medicine?
Chamomile is the main information.

Chamomile is a medicinal plant growing in the eastern Mediterranean. The stem of chamomile rises from 15 to 50 cm in height, branched. On the tops of the branches, floral baskets are formed with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm, with white petals and a yellow middle. For chamomile, a rather intense aroma is characteristic.

Chamomile blooms from May to September. After the start of flowering, floral baskets are collected and used after drying as an ingredient in various drugs. All thanks to the content of valuable substances that are rare in other plants.

What does chamomile contain?

The raw materials used in herbalization are baskets with dried colors. It is best to collect them on dry sunny days, during the day - then the plants contain the most active substances. The collected baskets of daisies dried in a shaded, spacious room are part of many drugs and therapeutic mixtures.
Chamomile owes its popularity and recognition of one of the most valuable medicinal plants mainly the content of many substances, among which they noted:
• Flavonoids,
• phenolic acids,
• phytosterins,
• polyacetiles,
• Catechin tannins,
• Vitamin C,
• Minerals.

Chamomile - health

Chamomile has many healthy properties:
• anti -inflammatory agent
• acceleration of wound healing,
• relaxing property,
• deodorizing property,
• antibacterial and neutralizing toxins,
• Stimulation of metabolism in the skin.


Chamomile can successfully be used inside. It is especially recommended for diseases of the digestive system - it is a good drug for flatulence, spasms of the stomach, inflammation of the stomach or intestines, but it also acts well as a means to relieve symptoms of the menstrual cycle.

Chamomile is also widely used externally, including inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, boils, wounds, burns, ulcers or skin allergies. Also, chamomile can be used in the treatment of bacterial diseases of the skin and mouth, in the form of inhalations - also for inflammation of the respiratory tract. Interestingly, chamomile is also used in enemas. Best websites where you can find brides in Ukraine for free.