Sociologists have dealt to the opinions about how the female career affects her own destiny, as well as a role in society.
Russian sociologists have long studied the relationship between the number of divorces and the successful career of one of the pair.
According to family scientists, where a woman prefers a career - a divorce is inevitable. What is explained? Specialists associate this in the fact that female egoism begins to grow rapidly, and with him and vanity. Requirements for the spouse are constantly increasing.
But another group of scientists believes on the contrary. Together in a successful career, her self-esteem and self-confidence is growing, which means that the number of scandals in the family on household and financial topics are reduced. Women can solve problems itself, and not to demand them to solve them from their man.
Statistics state that the family, where a woman has wages more than her husband, is the most strongest in all respects.
Of course, for the most part it all depends on the woman itself, its character and wisdom. If the woman is a bitch and takes a high position with a good salary, it will be hard not only subordinate, but also a husband. But if a woman is sensible thinks, honest and good - then nothing bad with relationships will happen.
But not only from a woman depends on the further fate of the matrimonial union, but also from the man. If the spouse is confident in himself, then the career is not a problem for him. If a man is drowning in complexes - there will be no peace in the family.
So, if the family lives in love and harmony, then the successful career of the woman does not affect the relationship.
Situations in favor of a female career
The head of the woman is easier to manage due to natural charm, unconventional approaches and lack of pressure on personnel.
As early as the age of fifteen years, a woman knows that he will later choose: career growth or just be married. If the choice fell on self-improvement and career, then sooner or later, even in young, even in a mature age, the woman will achieve.
Surely everyone knows that the intellect of men is somewhat higher than that of women. But today, emotionality and creative thinking rises in a single row with intelligence, and these are the strengths of women.
It is important for a man to achieve heights, a woman - to self-realize. A woman can combine self-realization and family, while achieving success.
It is quite common that the career is built only by those women who are not popular with men because of their appearance. This is a complete nonsense! A business woman is watching their appearance and spend many finances to care for themselves. Of course, some men do not like or afraid of successful women, but often these are noctile losers. - платформа где собрано более 200 различных приложений казино и букмекерских компаний.