Classification: Above Grade Terrace and Flat Roof Waterproofing in Nigeria
Description: Installation of Advanced Polyurethane Waterproofing on Existing Building, Protea Hotel Maryland, Lagos By ACT Team
Contractor :
Consultants: Protea Hotel Lagos, Nigeria
A cross Section of the Complete Installation of Polyurethane system
Existing building with failed waterproofing ACT Team were invited to install our advanced polyurethane system. ACT Team were also engaged to install spray foam insulation to help in achieving energy saving.
Our complete polyurethane system offers up to 20 years protection and waterproofing.
Why Consider Polyurethane for your projects?
The advantage of polyurethane over existing Felt membrane is that its coefficient of bonding to concrete twice higher than Bitumen, therefore damages can be localized. The fact that it is also jointless , means that there are less chances of leakage at the joints. Finally It is more UV stable, therefore can last two to three times the life of a typical bitumen membrane.
Completed application of Transparent Polyurethane Membrane system for Tiled surfaces.
Note: If you have any situation like this feel free to reach us through our contacts below and we will provide you free technical assessment and consultation.