Advanced Concrete Technologies

Aquafin Krystal Admix Concrete waterproofing of Waste Water Treatment Water Tank, Telisol Lagos Nigeria .


Aquafin Admix was specified by the consultant for the casting of the waste tanks of the Edifice in the heart of Victoria Island. The contractor and Structural Engineers were particularly worried because of their experience with previous waterproofing admixtures. But as always Aquafin Admix did not disappoint.

Why is Aquafin Admix unique?  Because Aquafin Admix has been Classified as Permeability reducing admixture  for Hydrostatic conditions ( PRAH) by ACI international and unlike other crystalline equally certified, Aquafin Admix comes in concentrate form, therefore result in higher yield and performance to the client and contractor.


Aquafin Admix admixture was supplied for the concrete work of the whole Waste tank on this Project . The client was happy and impressed about the waterproofing effectiveness of Aquafin Admix.

In the contractors word” Aquafin Krystal Admix is the best waterproofing admixture I have used till date

Contractor : TELISOL

Consultants: Pyramid Architects , BEZAL Consultants


A cross section of the Waste Treatment tank
A cross section of the Waste Treatment tank
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