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AQUAFIN- ADMIX AQ100P is a unique powder crystalline waterproofing additive for concrete, consisting of high concentration of proprietary inorganic crystalline chemicals, Portland cement and other waterproofing agents. It can be added to concrete during the batching process or in a ready-mix truck with full mixing capabilities.
In addition to its waterproofing characteristics AQUAFIN ADMIX also significantly increases the compressive strength and freeze-thaw resistance of concrete.
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Typical Applications:
- Any concrete mix requiring waterproofing ( Water Impermable) capabilities
- Such as : Foundations, Precast Structures, Swimming pool, Parking Structures, Sewage and water treatment plants, Underground vaults, reservoirs, German floor, Suspended slabs, cantilevers,plaster work, roof gutters etc.
- One bucket will waterproof 50 bags of cement
- 8.3 cubic @ 300kg OPC per cubic
- An equivalent of 8.3 cubic Metre at 1.2.4
- An equivalent of 83m2 at 100MM slab thickness
Click here to download datasheet
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Working Principle:
- During concrete hardening AQUAFIN ADMIX AQ100P forms millions of fine crystalline fibers (nanocrystals) inside the capillary pores
- Crystalline fibers reduce the pore diameter, thus blocking the flow of water through the capillary voids
- Treated concrete is watertight
- Ready to use
- Easy mixing, minimal influence on mix design
- Resists extreme hydrostatic pressures
- Waterproofs concrete even at high w/c ratios
- Improves compressive strength, chemical and abrasion resistance
- NSF/ANSI Standard 61 certified for contact with potable water
- Self sealing effect up to 1/64″ (0.4 mm) crack width